A new page, dealing with the Ordo Annorum Mundi, has now been placed on the Macro-Typography website. It seems to me that the OAM may be a piece of writing by the Great Stemma's author, but I am still looking for the killer evidence. The OAM seems to appear only in Iberian-origin manuscripts, but has achieved wider diffusion through its incorporation in the Commentary on the Apocalypse of Beatus of Liebana.
Note added in August 2012: No killer evidence found. It seems more than likely that the Ordo Annorum Mundi is not by the Great Stemma author, who probably worked from a chronology drafted by Hippolytus of Rome. However the OAM's history seems intimately entwined with that of the diagram. It could well be the work of someone who revised and altered the diagram at a later stage, altering it to reflect a chronology of world history computed by Eusebius of Caesarea. Professor José Carlos Martín of the University of Salamanca will soon be issuing an editio princeps of the Ordo Annorum Mundi, and we are keenly awaiting this important publication.
Brings news on research into the history of text presentation. Recent posts deal with my discovery of the world's oldest data visualization, the 5th-century Great Stemma. This blog also offers a way to comment on the www.piggin.net website and communicate with the author, Jean-Baptiste Piggin.
The Vetus Latina Hispana of Ayuso
In 1953, Teófilo Ayuso Marazuela published the first volume of his Vetus Latina Hispana. It was an ambitious project, presumably with government funding, to recover the bible texts that circulated in Iberia before the introduction of Jerome's Vulgate. It was in direct rivalry with the Vetus Latina that was being reconstructed at the Abbey of Beuron in Germany, and it was awarded a prize (marked on the title page) in the name of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco.
Ayuso devised his own numbering system for the codices and other manuscripts he used. The numbers seem to have fallen completely out of use, but are still essential in reading scholarly Spanish articles of the period, in particular Ayuso's own writing, about biblical manuscripts. Since the numbers seem to be nowhere on the internet, I am tabulating them online in the hope they can be of service to modern scholars.
The left column comprises the VLH or Ayuso numbers themselves, followed by the abbreviations commonly used and the sequence numbers for each manuscript of the same provenance. For example, Leg2 or Legionense2 is the Codex gothicus. Burgense1 is the Burgos Bible, also called Biblia de San Pedro de Cardena. The last column lists the (1953) locations of the manuscripts.
You are welcome to copy my list and reproduce it as you wish, though a credit would be appreciated. As far as I can assess, the list in the book can no longer be subject to copyright, and in any case I have modified it to present it here on the web.
There is one peculiarity, perhaps a lapse in attention by Ayuso. Pages 25-6 (IV. Lista de codices espanoles o de origen hispanico estudiados, numeros y siglas correspondientes) list 203 sources only, while pages 347-83 (Los manuscritos bíblicos espanoles) contain a list that is one element longer (204). The extra item in the latter list comes at position number 113, Escurialense5, which is inexplicably missed from the summary table, so that every item below it is displaced by one position when the two lists are compared. In the above tabulation, I have followed the numbering on pages 347-83, since this seems to be correct. Perhaps there is an errata page, or a handwritten correction, in a copy in a Spanish library, and I would be grateful to anyone willing to check this. But there is no such correction in the Hamburg State Library copy, which is kept in the city's Bergedorf stack and does not seem to have been much used down the years.
[A later note:] Ayuso's earlier articles use quite different sigla, including A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, 7-8. These are apparently the items in the Biblioteca Nacional in Madrid (lines 64-69 above). A2 for example is the Bible of San Juan de la Peña, and these are listed in the print catalog (Tomo 1) here. His earlier "Bu" is the Burgos Bible in line 25, as noted above. Ayuso renumbered the León bibles, since 3 Legionense in line 23 is a lost one, whereas the Leg3 he had referred to in 1943 was clearly the Second León Bible which is very much in continued existence. In line 12, 2 Oventense is the lost Gospel Book of Justus which I discuss in another post.
Ayuso devised his own numbering system for the codices and other manuscripts he used. The numbers seem to have fallen completely out of use, but are still essential in reading scholarly Spanish articles of the period, in particular Ayuso's own writing, about biblical manuscripts. Since the numbers seem to be nowhere on the internet, I am tabulating them online in the hope they can be of service to modern scholars.
The left column comprises the VLH or Ayuso numbers themselves, followed by the abbreviations commonly used and the sequence numbers for each manuscript of the same provenance. For example, Leg2 or Legionense2 is the Codex gothicus. Burgense1 is the Burgos Bible, also called Biblia de San Pedro de Cardena. The last column lists the (1953) locations of the manuscripts.
1 | Guelf | Vaticano -Guelferbitano | Vaticano | |
2 | Tur | Turonense | Paris | |
3 | Fragm. To | Fragmentos toledanos | Toledo | |
4 | Freís | Fragmentos de Freising | München | |
5 | Palimps | Palimpsesto de León | León | |
6 | Ottob | Ottoboniano | Vaticano | |
7 | Lugd | 1 | Lugdunense | Lyon |
8 | Lugd | 2 | Lugdunense | Paris |
9 | Escu | 1 | Eseurialense | El Escorial |
10 | Ov | 1 | Ovetense (Desaparecido) | Oviedo |
11 | Luxeuil | Leccionario de Luxeuil | Paris | |
12 | Ov | 2 | Ovetense (Desaparecido) | Oviedo. Escorial |
13 | Cav | Cavense | Cava | |
14 | Cav dpdo | Cavense duplicado | Vaticano | |
15 | To | 1 | Toledano | Madrid |
16 | To dpdo | Toledano duplicado | Vaticano | |
17 | Co | 1 | Complutense | Madrid |
18 | Co | 2 | Complutense | Madrid |
19 | Leg | 1 | Legionense | León |
20 | On | Oniense | Salamanca | |
21 | Leg | 2 | Legionense | León |
22 | Leg dpdo | Legionense duplicado | Vaticano | |
23 | Leg | 3 | Legionense supuesto (Desaparecido) | León |
24 | Emil | 1 | Emilianense | Madrid |
25 | Burg | 1 | Burgense | Burgos |
26 | Valv | Valvanerense (Desaparecido) | Escorial | |
27 | To | 2 | Toledano | Toledo |
28 | Pin | Pinatense | Madrid | |
29 | Moz | Breviario Mozárabe | Madrid | |
30 | Psalt | 1 | Salterio | Madrid |
31 | Psalt | 2 | Salterio | Madrid |
32 | Psalt | 3 | Salterio | Madrid |
33 | Psalt | 4 | Salterio | London |
34 | Psalt | 5 | Salterio | Nogent-sur-Marne |
35 | Psalt | 6 | Salterio | Escorial |
36 | Psalt | 7 | Salterio | Madrid |
37 | Psalt | 8 | Salterio | Santiago |
38 | Cant | Liber Canticorum | Madrid | |
39 | Com | 1 | Liber Commicus | Toledo |
40 | Com | 2 | Liber Commicus | París |
41 | Com | 3 | Liber Commicus | León |
42 | Com | 4 | Liber Commicus | Madrid |
43 | Seg | 1 | Seguntino | Sigüenza |
44 | Esc | 2 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
45 | Tolos | 1 | Tolosano | Toulouse |
46 | Tolos | 2 | Tolosano | Toulouse |
46* | Esc | Escurialense Misceláneo (not a bible) | El Escorial | |
47 | Lugd | 3 | Lugdunense | Lyon |
48 | Teod | Teodulfiano | Paris | |
49 | Anic | Aniciense | Le Puy | |
50 | Bern | Bernense | Bern | |
51 | Hub | Hubertiano | London | |
52 | Sang | Sangermanense | Paris | |
53 | Sang | Sangermanense | Paris | |
54 | Sang | Sangermanense | Paris | |
55 | Riq | Saint Riquier | Paris | |
56 | Laud | Laudiano | Oxford | |
57 | Mon | Monacense | München | |
58 | Aur | Aureo | Escorial | |
59 | Cas | 1 | Casinense | Monte Cassino |
60 | Cas | 2 | Casinense | Monte Cassino |
61 | Cas | 3 | Casinense | Monte Cassino |
62 | Cas | 4 | Casinense | Monte Cassino |
63 | To | 3 | Toledano | Toledo |
64 | Matr | 2 | Matritense | Madrid |
65 | Matr | 3 | Matritense | Madrid |
66 | Matr | 4 | Matritense | Madrid |
67 | Matr | 5 | Matritense | Madrid |
68 | Matr | 6 | Matritense | Madrid |
69 | Matr | 7 | Matritense | Madrid |
70 | Matr | 8 | Matritense | Madrid |
71 | Purp | Purpúreo (Desaparacido) | Urgel | |
72 | Urg | Urgelense | Urgel | |
73 | Rip | Ripollense | Vaticano | |
74 | Roa | Rodense | Paris | |
75 | Vic | 1 | Vicense | Vich |
76 | Vic | 2 | Vicense | Vich |
77 | Vic | 3 | Vicense | Vich |
78 | Vic | 4 | Vicense | Vich |
79 | Par | 1 | Parisiense | Paris |
80 | Par | 2 | Parisiense | Paris |
81 | Par | 3 | Parisiense | Paris |
82 | Esc | 3 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
83 | Mall | Malloricense | Palma | |
84 | Leg | 3 | Legionense | León |
85 | Leg | 4 | Legionense | León |
86 | Leg | 5 | Legionense | León |
87 | Leg | 6 | Legionense | León |
88 | Leg | 7 | Legionense | León |
89 | Osc | Oscense | Madrid | |
90 | Matr | 9 | Matritense | Madrid |
91 | Burg | 2 | Burgense | Burgos |
92 | Burg | 3 | Burgense | Burgos |
93 | Cal | Calagurritano | Calahorra | |
94 | Emil | 2 | Emilianense | Madrid |
95 | Ler | llerdense | Lérida | |
96 | Co | 2 | Complutenses | Madrid |
97 | Av | Avilense | Madrid | |
98 | Esc | 4 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
99 | Alf | Alfonsino (Desaparacido) | Barcelona? | |
100 | Avig | Avignoniense (Desaparcido) | Avignon? | |
101 | Barc | 1 | Barcinonense | Barcelona |
102 | Barc | 2 | Barcinonense | Barcelona |
103 | Barc | 3 | Barcinonense | Barcelona |
104 | Barc | 4 | Barcinonense | Barcelona |
105 | Barc | 5 | Barcinonense | Barcelona |
106 | Bil | 1 | Bilbilitano | Calatayud |
107 | Bil | 2 | Bilbilitano | Calatayud |
108 | Burg | 4 | Burgense | Burgos |
109 | Burg | 5 | Burgense | Burgos |
110 | Cal | Calagurritano | Calahorra | |
111 | Conc | Concentainense | Concentaina | |
112 | Dar | Darocense | Daroca | |
113 | Esc | 5 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
114 | Esc | 6 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
115 | Esc | 7 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
116 | Esc | 8 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
117 | Esc | 9 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
118 | Esc | 10 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
119 | Esc | 11 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
120 | Esc | 12 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
121 | Esc | 13 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
122 | Esc | 14 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
123 | Esc | 15 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
124 | Esc | 16 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
125 | Esc | 17 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
126 | Esc | 18 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
127 | Esc | 19 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
128 | Esc | 20 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
129 | Esc | 21 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
130 | Esc | 22 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
131 | Esc | 23 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
132 | Esc | 24 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
133 | Esc | 25 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
134 | Esc | 26 | Escurialense | El Escorial |
135 | Hisp | Hispalense | Sevilla | |
136 | Mall | 2 | Malloricense | Palma |
137 | Mall | 3 | Malloricense | Palma |
138 | Matr | 10 | Matritense | Madrid |
139 | Matr | 11 | Matritense | Madrid |
140 | Matr | 12 | Matritense | Madrid |
141 | Matr | 13 | Matritense | Madrid |
142 | Matr | 14 | Matritense | Madrid |
143 | Matr | 15 | Matritense | Madrid |
144 | Matr | 16 | Matritense | Madrid |
145 | Matr | 17 | Matritense | Madrid |
146 | Matr | 18 | Matritense | Madrid |
147 | Matr | 19 | Matritense | Madrid |
148 | Matr | 20 | Matritense | Madrid |
149 | Matr | 21 | Matritense | Madrid |
150 | Matr | 22 | Matritense | Madrid |
151 | Matr | 23 | Matritense | Madrid |
152 | Matr | 24 | Matritense | Madrid |
153 | Matr | 25 | Matritense | Madrid |
154 | Matr | 26 | Matritense | Madrid |
155 | Matr | 27 | Matritense | Madrid |
156 | Matr | 28 | Matritense | Madrid |
157 | Matr | 29 | Matritense | Madrid |
158 | Matr | 30 | Matritense | Madrid |
159 | Matr | 31 | Matritense | Madrid |
160 | Matr | 32 | Matritense | Madrid |
161 | Matr | 33 | Matritense | Madrid |
162 | Matr | 34 | Matritense | Madrid |
163 | Matr | 35 | Matritense | Madrid |
164 | Matr | 36 | Matritense | Madrid |
165 | Matr | 37 | Matritense | Madrid |
166 | Matr | 38 | Matritense | Madrid |
167 | Oxorm | Oxomense | Burgo de Osma | |
168 | Par | 4 | Parisiense | Paris |
169 | Plas | 1 | Plasentino | Plasencia |
170 | Plas | 2 | Plasentino | Plasencia |
171 | Salm | Salmanticense | Salamanca | |
172 | Segov | Segoviense | Segovia | |
173 | Segunt | Seguntino | Sigüenza | |
174 | Ser | Serenense | Villanueva de la Serena | |
175 | Sor | Soriano | Soria | |
176 | Tar | Tarraconense | Tarragona | |
177 | Tir | Tirasonense | Tarazona | |
178 | To | 4 | Toledano | Toledo |
179 | To | 5 | Toledano | Toledo |
180 | To | 6 | Toledano | Toledo |
181 | To | 7 | Toledano | Toledo |
182 | To | 8 | Toledano | Toledo |
183 | To | 9 | Toledano | Toledo |
184 | To | 10 | Toledano | Toledo |
185 | To | 11 | Toledano | Toledo |
186 | To | 12 | Toledano | Toledo |
187 | To | 13 | Toledano | Toledo |
188 | To | 14 | Toledano | Toledo |
189 | To | 15 | Toledano | Toledo |
190 | To | 16 | Toledano | Toledo |
191 | To | 17 | Toledano | Toledo |
192 | To | 18 | Toledano | Toledo |
193 | To | 19 | Toledano | Toledo |
194 | To | 20 | Toledano | Toledo |
195 | Urg | 2 | Urgelitano | Urgel |
196 | Urg | 3 | Urgelitano | Urgel |
197 | Valent | 1 | Valentino | Valencia |
198 | Valent | 2 | Valentino | Valencia |
199 | Valent | 3 | Valentino | Valencia |
200 | Valent | 4 | Valentino | Valencia |
201 | Valv | 2 | Valvanerense | Valvanera |
202 | Vat | Vaticano | Vaticano | |
203 | Zar | 1 | Zaragozano | Zaragoza |
204 | Zar | 2 | Zaragozano | Zaragoza |
You are welcome to copy my list and reproduce it as you wish, though a credit would be appreciated. As far as I can assess, the list in the book can no longer be subject to copyright, and in any case I have modified it to present it here on the web.
There is one peculiarity, perhaps a lapse in attention by Ayuso. Pages 25-6 (IV. Lista de codices espanoles o de origen hispanico estudiados, numeros y siglas correspondientes) list 203 sources only, while pages 347-83 (Los manuscritos bíblicos espanoles) contain a list that is one element longer (204). The extra item in the latter list comes at position number 113, Escurialense5, which is inexplicably missed from the summary table, so that every item below it is displaced by one position when the two lists are compared. In the above tabulation, I have followed the numbering on pages 347-83, since this seems to be correct. Perhaps there is an errata page, or a handwritten correction, in a copy in a Spanish library, and I would be grateful to anyone willing to check this. But there is no such correction in the Hamburg State Library copy, which is kept in the city's Bergedorf stack and does not seem to have been much used down the years.
[A later note:] Ayuso's earlier articles use quite different sigla, including A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, 7-8. These are apparently the items in the Biblioteca Nacional in Madrid (lines 64-69 above). A2 for example is the Bible of San Juan de la Peña, and these are listed in the print catalog (Tomo 1) here. His earlier "Bu" is the Burgos Bible in line 25, as noted above. Ayuso renumbered the León bibles, since 3 Legionense in line 23 is a lost one, whereas the Leg3 he had referred to in 1943 was clearly the Second León Bible which is very much in continued existence. In line 12, 2 Oventense is the lost Gospel Book of Justus which I discuss in another post.