This is a first-hand survey of the ruins of Rome which Poggio had plenty of time to write as the chief papal scribe (alas he made no drawings or maps). This codex, apparently made about 1450, begins with an image of Poggio in his sixties, which is probably from a portrait from life. Poggio had waited until age 56 to marry, wedding a girl not yet 18, Selvaggia dei Buondelmonti. He was not handsome, but he was one of the great intellectuals of his day in Florence.
His most celebrated find (described in Stephen Greenblatt's much over-rated best-seller The Swerve) was De rerum natura, the only surviving work by Lucretius.
Between 1414 and 1418 Poggio also dug up (and probably stole) in Fulda, Germany the De re rustica of Columella, an ancient handbook of farming written in the first century CE: a manuscript of De re rustica,, featured on this blog a few weeks ago. Columella's work had only been known of indirectly at that point through the Ruralia commoda, the most celebrated medieval handbook of farming. The latter book had been completed some time between 1304 and 1309 by Pietro de' Crescenzi, who could only find fragments of the ancient work. I mention this, because a manuscript of the Ruralia, dated 1424,, is in the current batch of uploads below.
Also in the new batch is a book by Poggio's Florentine mentor, Coluccio Salutati (1331-1406), De fato, fortuna et casu (written 1396-1399), here in a presentation edition that is almost certainly posthumous. Coluccio is one of my great heroes, since he purchased and preserved the only accurate copy, Plut. 20.54, of the sole large abstract diagram known from antiquity, the Great Stemma.
The full list of uploads follows:
- Arch.Cap.S.Pietro.D.184, Gospels with a fine illumination of Matthew (below)
- Arch.Cap.S.Pietro.D.201, Nicholas of Lyra, Postillae
- Arch.Cap.S.Pietro.E.12, liturgical calendar
- Arch.Cap.S.Pietro.E.21, De excidio urbis Hierosolymitanae (On the ruin of the city of Jerusalem) by Pseudo-Hegesippus (see the Roger Pearse summary on Pseudo-Hegesippus with rough translation)
-, the blackened flyleaf of liturgical codex Arch.Cap.S.Pietro.F.11 which contains music and prayers for votive and other masses
- Arch.Cap.S.Pietro.I.6, 1781 catalogue
-, a consilium of Baldus de Ubaldis
-, collection of orations
- Borgh.286, Geoffrey of Trani, 1245? Summa super rubricis decretalium
- Borgh.295, Peter Lombard, Sententiae
- Borgh.296, theological and philosophical miscellany
- Borgh.336, Iacobus de Voragine, c.1229-1298, Sermones de sanctis, 16th century
- Borgh.378, 18th-century catalog of Borghesiani Library, Pars altera.
- Cappon.44, estates list? 1648
- Cappon.72, notes from Avicenna
- Cappon.76, Italian translation of Quinto Curcio Rufo
-, collection of 16th and 17th-century drawings and watercolours, including this sketch from 25v
- Chig.L.VI.212, Dante, Divine Comedy
-, Dante, Divine Comedy
-, Ambrose of Milan, various, 15th century
-, Augustine, Prosperus, Vigilius, 15th century
-, Aymon of Halberstadt on Pauline Epistles, 15th century
-, Alexander of Ales, OFM, 15th century
-, Thomas Aquinas, 15th century
-, Thomas Aquinas, 15th century, copy owned by Pius VI
-, Thomas Aquinas, 15th century
-, Thomas Aquinas, dated 1474
-, Bonaventure, 15th century (Urb. lat. Catalog on
-, Antoninius of Florence, Summa, 15th century, copy owned by Alexander VII
-, Pelagius, dated 1482
-, Coluccio Salutati, De Fato, Fortuna et Casu, 15th century
-, Aristotle, Metaphysics, with commentary by Thomas Aquinas, 14th-15th century
-, ditto, 15th century
-, De varietate fortunae (1447) by Poggio Bracciolini (image above), a detailed first-hand survey of Rome's ruins, which was an exhibit in Rome Reborn. Also various orations by Poggio. See the detailed listing of the codex's contents at Saint Louis, plus the Latin Catalog on Apparently made about 1450.
-, Galenius and Thomas Aquinas, 16th century
-, technical handbook on brakes for horse-drawn vehicles, 17th century:
-, Pietro de' Crescenzi, a key medieval handbook on agriculture, Ruralia commoda, this copy dated 1424 lacks illuminations
-, 1647, on paper, no entry yet in Pinakes
-, Ephrem the Syrian, 15th century
-, Venerable Bede on Esdras, Nehemiah, Tobit, 15th century
-, Dante Divine Comedy with copious additions on margins of first 15 folios
Here is the evangelist Matthew at work from Arch.Cap.S.Pietro.D.184
This raises the posted number of manuscripts to 2,926, an increase of 41. As I noted recently, the presence of some digitized manuscripts is not declared in the Digita Vaticana index of postings, so the true total of digitizations is actually somewhat higher.
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