Alcuin ( -804), the great English scholar, prepared an edition of the Correspondence. Whether he believed it to be genuine cannot really be divined, but in the high Middle Ages, this fiction was universally believed to be fact, and it was only the early humanists who dared point out that it was surely absurd to suppose the letters to be anything but a creative literary work.
The translation by Barlow, who denotes this manuscript as A in his 1938 edition of the correspondence, can be read at
The Latin letters are found at ff. 223v-225v of the newly digitized codex. Here is Seneca allegedly writing: "I must admit I loved reading your letters to the Galatians, to the Corinthians and to the Achaeans."
-, a 17th-century deed
- Borg.ebr.2,
- Borg.ebr.5,
- Borg.ebr.6,
- Borg.ebr.8,
- Borg.ebr.15,
- Ross.325, Torah, 15th century
- Ross.360, Mahzor, Sephardic rite, 15th century
- Ross.478, Haftarot, Italian rite, late 13th century
- Ross.533, Hebrew commentary on prophets, date about 1325
- Ross.1188, Hebrew Esther scroll, 18th century
- Ross.1189, early 18th century Esther scroll
-, Peter Lombard, Glossae continuae in Psalmos?
-, ff. 1-1v: Leo Magnus, a fragment of Ep. 16; 2-223v: Hilarius, Tractatus super Psalmos; 223v-225v Epistolae Senecae ad apostolum
Paulum et Pauli ad eundem (the fictitious Correspondence between Seneca and St Paul); Barlow: XI cent., mm. 306 x 216, ff. I + 226.
The entire manuscript was copied by a single scribe
in two columns of thirty lines to the page.
A note in a different hand on f. 226v claims this codex was one of the books acquired
for the monastery of Avellana by Petrus Damianus while he was abbot
1041-1058, but Erik Kwakkel says that given the script of the codex (his book on the evolution of book hands), this date cannot be true:
@JBPiggin great manuscript and case, but the BAV catalogue is wrong about the date: it's 12th century (just FYI).
— Erik Kwakkel (@erik_kwakkel) May 4, 2016 -,
-, Isidorus Mercator Decretalium collectio
-, Venerable Bede, 11th century ms, In Lucae Evangelium expositio, praeviis litteris
-, mainly Bernard of Clairvaux, 15th century manuscript
-, Sentences of Peter Lombard, with this couple (she is in a blue wedding dress, note her short veil) making their marriage vows, both left hands on the bible:
Baschet notes that it is very rare to find a 12th century depiction of the vows being recited.
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