
The Goths Got a Long Run

The Goths, an eastern Germanic people, have had a fabulously long run. Of their own culture we know comparatively little, but we know much of the glories of Latin Spain under their rule.

Later, a revival of what was fancied to have been Gothic took medieval art by storm. Of the Gothic Revival in the 19th century (properly a revival of a revival) we find traces in the whole globe. And the Goths who now meet every year in Leipzig to hear Gothic rock music pay their own tribute.

So what are we to make of the Missale Gothicum, a fabulously old book of Christian liturgy made in France about 700 which the Vatican Library placed online this week in one of the major gifts of the year to historical scholarship?
Reg.lat.317 is not Gothic at all and its traditional title is entirely false, as Henry Bannister noted a century ago in his introduction:
... for it is not a missal, but a pure sacramentary, and the word Gothic in its time has borne many different meanings; at any rate, it was so called about five centuries ago, when someone inserted this title at what was then, and is still, the first page of the ms. One cannot say what he intended by it; it may ... have simply meant that to him Gothicum was synonymous with "ignotum" ...
This codex, collected by Vossius and formerly at Stockholm, is of such huge importance that four editions of it have appeared: by Giuseppe Maria Tomasi in 1680, by Bannister in 1917, by Leo Mohlberg in 1961 and most recently and authoritatively by Els Rose in 2004.

Described by Bannister as "the oldest and nearly perfect sacramentary of the Church in the West", the manuscript was presumably written in a Burgundian scriptorium, and was most probably in use in the church of Autun. As an important source of the Gallican liturgy, and of early medieval Latin, a language in a transitional stage, it naturally has its own entry in Wikipedia. Enjoy it now online.

It is among 106 new manuscripts placed online on October 3, bringing the total to 5,585. Here is the full list:
  1. Chig.C.VI.163, autograph by Bernardino of Siena (died 1444)
  2. Patetta.1621
  3. Reg.lat.317, above, TM 66201 in the Trismegistos database.
  4. Urb.lat.151
  5. Vat.ebr.45
  6. Vat.ebr.46
  7. Vat.ebr.47
  8. Vat.ebr.57
  9. Vat.ebr.407
  10. Vat.ebr.438
  11. Vat.ebr.444
  12. Vat.ebr.445
  13. Vat.ebr.450
  14. Vat.ebr.452
  15. Vat.ebr.454.pt.1
  16. Vat.ebr.454.pt.2
  17. Vat.ebr.455.pt.1
  18. Vat.ebr.455.pt.2
  19. Vat.ebr.455.pt.3
  20. Vat.ebr.456
  21. Vat.ebr.457
  22. Vat.ebr.458
  23. Vat.ebr.461
  24. Vat.ebr.462
  25. Vat.ebr.463
  26. Vat.ebr.464
  27. Vat.ebr.465
  28. Vat.ebr.466
  29. Vat.ebr.468
  30. Vat.ebr.469
  31. Vat.ebr.475
  32. Vat.ebr.478
  33. Vat.ebr.482
  34. Vat.ebr.484
  35. Vat.ebr.494
  36. Vat.ebr.497
  37. Vat.ebr.500
  38. Vat.ebr.501
  39. Vat.ebr.502
  40. Vat.ebr.503
  41. Vat.ebr.504
  42. Vat.ebr.505
  43. Vat.ebr.506
  44. Vat.ebr.508
  45. Vat.ebr.516
  46. Vat.ebr.523
  47. Vat.ebr.546
  48. Vat.ebr.564
  49. Vat.ebr.565
  50. Vat.ebr.566
  51. Vat.ebr.571
  52. Vat.ebr.572
  53. Vat.ebr.581
  54. Vat.lat.175
  55. Vat.lat.217
  56. Vat.lat.265
  57. Vat.lat.439
  58. Vat.lat.539
  59. Vat.lat.544
  60. Vat.lat.692
  61. Vat.lat.822
  62. Vat.lat.857
  63. Vat.lat.859
  64. Vat.lat.868
  65. Vat.lat.871
  66. Vat.lat.876
  67. Vat.lat.883
  68. Vat.lat.885
  69. Vat.lat.891
  70. Vat.lat.893
  71. Vat.lat.900
  72. Vat.lat.902
  73. Vat.lat.907
  74. Vat.lat.910
  75. Vat.lat.915
  76. Vat.lat.918
  77. Vat.lat.919
  78. Vat.lat.924
  79. Vat.lat.928
  80. Vat.lat.938
  81. Vat.lat.940
  82. Vat.lat.941
  83. Vat.lat.944
  84. Vat.lat.946
  85. Vat.lat.948
  86. Vat.lat.956
  87. Vat.lat.967
  88. Vat.lat.968, Johannes de Capistrano (patron saint of jurists), Speculum Conscientiae, in 15th-century writing. Lowe: The final fly-leaves, fols. 151-2 (part of a missal), are in a 12th-century Beneventan hand:
  89. Vat.lat.974
  90. Vat.lat.975
  91. Vat.lat.978
  92. Vat.lat.980
  93. Vat.lat.1001
  94. Vat.lat.1015
  95. Vat.lat.1016
  96. Vat.lat.1018
  97. Vat.lat.1019
  98. Vat.lat.1036
  99. Vat.lat.1041.pt.1
  100. Vat.lat.1041.pt.2
  101. Vat.lat.1647
  102. Vat.lat.1742, a 15th-century manuscript of the Orationes of Cicero. Anthony Grafton's Rome Reborn catalog notes of fol. 2v below: Gaspare di Sant'Angelo's manuscript of Cicero portrays the Roman orator and his audience in contemporary dress before a gilt background:
    The image is framed in interlacing white vines or branches, one of the most common ornamental devices of the Italian illuminated manuscript of the Renaissance.
  103. Vat.lat.1766, Quintilian, Epistola
  104. Vat.lat.1860, Livy
  105. Vat.lat.7320, Valerius Maximus, De Dictis et Factis, with this wheel of fortune at fol. 145v:
  106. Vat.lat.10305, Giovanni Battista Natali, with many sample drawings like this baby
This is Piggin's Unofficial List number 70. If you have corrections or additions, please use the comments box below. Follow me on Twitter (@JBPiggin) for news of more additions to DigiVatLib.

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