contains works by a variety of authors, several with tables. The flaps are in the Theorica Planetarum by Campanus of Novara c. 1220 – 1296), an Italian mathematician, astrologer and physician (Wikipedia).
The codex is one of 31 mainly scientific manuscripts digitized in the past two weeks by the Bibliotheca Palatina, the great German project to virtually re-create the Palatine library at Heidelberg by scanning all its books which are now in the Vatican Apostolic Library in Rome. These do not appear yet on the DigiVatLib website until many months later if ever. Here is the list extracted from the project's RSS feed:
- Pal. lat. 1056 Johannes Dumbleton ; Albertus : Sammelband (England? (I) , Deutschland (II) , Deutschland (III), 14. Jh. (I) ; 1367 (II) ; 14. Jh. (III))
- Pal. lat. 1083 Hippocrates; Knab, Erhardus; Bernardus : Medizinische Sammelhandschrift: Articella (Heidelberg, 1457/1458)
- Pal. lat. 1090 Galenus; Gessius Iatrosophista; Celsus, Aulus Cornelius; Guainerio, Antonio; Bartholomaeus ; Gentilis : Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Deutschland, Mitte 15. Jh.)
- Pal. lat. 1105 Ḥunain Ibn-Isḥāq; Hippocrates; Aegidius : Medizinischer Sammelband (Heidelberg (I), 15. Jh. (I) ; Ende 13. Jh. (II))
- Pal. lat. 1108 Serapion, Johannes; Arnoldus : Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Heidelberg, 1476 und 1479)
- Pal. lat. 1347 Motette: Alma redemptoris mater (Heidelberg, 16. Jh.)
- Pal. lat. 1348 Euclides: Elementa I-V (Deutschland, 14. Jh.)
- Pal. lat. 1352 Euclides: Elementa (Süddeutschland, 2. Hälfte 15. Jh.)
- Pal. lat. 1397 Sammelband (Wittenberg (I) , Süddeutschland (II), 1540 (I) ; 1446 (II))
- Pal. lat. 1416 Firminus ; Kindī, Ja'kûb Ibn-Ishâk al; Māšā'allāh Ibn-Aṯarī; Farġānī, Aḥmad Ibn-Muḥammad /al-; Alchandreus; Iulianus ; Yaḥyā Ibn-Abī-Manẓūr; Johannes ; Gerardus : Atsronomisch-astrologische Sammelhandschrift (Belgien, Trier, 2. Drittel 15. Jh.)
- Pal. lat. 1794 Poggio Bracciolini, Gian Francesco; Bruni, Leonardo; Tröster, Johannes; Antonius Barzizius; Ps.-Cyrillus; Ps.-Eusebius; Nicolaus ; Petrarca, Francesco: Humanistischer Sammelband (Deutschland, 1465-1472)
- Pal. lat. 1825 Luther, Martin: Sammelhandschrift (Weimar, Mitte 16. Jh.)
- Pal. lat. 1836 Brenz, Johannes: Sammelhandschrift (Heidelsheim (?), 1527)
- Pal. lat. 1837 Maior, Georg: Enarratio epistolae Pauli ad Ephesios (Wittenberg, 1546)
- Pal. lat. 1842 Menrad Molther: Explanatio in Ieremiam (Heilbronn, 1542-1545)
- Pal. lat. 1843 Menrad Molther: Sammelhandschrift (Heilbronn, 1545-1555)
- Pal. lat. 1844 Menrad Molther: Sammelhandschrift (Heilbronn, 1541-1542)
- Pal. lat. 1845 Menrad Molther: In epistolam Pauli ad Ephesios homiliae (Heilbronn, 1548-1549)
- Pal. lat. 1846 Menrad Molther: Sammelhandschrift (Heilbronn, 1549-1553)
- Pal. lat. 1847 Iodocus Kinthisius: De casto matrimonio et impuro sacerdotium coelibatu (Kurpfalz, um 1545)
- Pal. lat. 1865 Friedrich : Interpretationes (Heidelberg, 1606-1607)
- Pal. lat. 1866 Friedrich : Interpretationes (Heidelberg, 1608)
- Pal. lat. 1869 Friedrich : Interpretationes (Sedan, 1609-1610)
- Pal. lat. 1870 Friedrich : Interpretationes (Sedan (?), 1609)
- Pal. lat. 1871 Friedrich : Interpretationes (Sedan, um 1608-1609)
- Pal. lat. 1872 Christoph : Interpretationes (Heidelberg, 1566)
- Pal. lat. 1873 Christoph : Interpretationes (Heidelberg, 1566)
- Pal. lat. 1874 Friedrich : Exercitia italica (Heidelberg, 1613-1616)
- Pal. lat. 1875 Johannes Sebastian Aquila: Sammelhandschrift (Kurpfalz, 1552-1556)
- Pal. lat. 1876 Ambrosius Prechtl: Rezeptare (Oberpfalz (Amberg), 1574)
- Pal. lat. 1884 Abschrift des Stammbuches von Joachim Strupp (Heidelberg (?), 1578) (no diagrams, text only)
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