
Italian Letters

Here are the latest 71 items digitized at the Vatican Library, most with a bearing on early modern Italian literature and history.
  1. Urb.lat.302, Orthographia of Giovanni Tortelli
  2. Urb.lat.420
  3. Urb.lat.425
  4. Urb.lat.630
  5. Urb.lat.656
  6. Urb.lat.657
  7. Urb.lat.669
  8. Urb.lat.673
  9. Urb.lat.689, Le Satire di Lodovico Ariosto
  10. Urb.lat.695
  11. Urb.lat.755
  12. Urb.lat.800
  13. Urb.lat.806
  14. Urb.lat.807
  15. Urb.lat.809
  16. Urb.lat.833
  17. Urb.lat.834
  18. Urb.lat.841
  19. Urb.lat.857
  20. Urb.lat.860, political and other discourses
  21. Urb.lat.861
  22. Urb.lat.863
  23. Urb.lat.866
  24. Urb.lat.874
  25. Urb.lat.878
  26. Urb.lat.879.pt.1, Diverse Letters, compilation dated 1612
  27. Urb.lat.879.pt.2
  28. Urb.lat.882
  29. Urb.lat.884
  30. Urb.lat.886
  31. Urb.lat.891
  32. Urb.lat.894
  33. Urb.lat.901
  34. Urb.lat.904
  35. Urb.lat.906
  36. Urb.lat.907, Cristoforo Centella, etc.
  37. Urb.lat.908
  38. Urb.lat.911
  39. Urb.lat.912
  40. Urb.lat.914
  41. Urb.lat.924
  42. Urb.lat.925
  43. Urb.lat.928
  44. Urb.lat.938
  45. Urb.lat.939
  46. Urb.lat.942
  47. Urb.lat.944, Guerriero, da Gubbio, m. 1481? Cronaca di ser Guerriero da Gubbio dall'anno MCCCL
  48. Urb.lat.948
  49. Urb.lat.949
  50. Urb.lat.952
  51. Urb.lat.955
  52. Urb.lat.956
  53. Urb.lat.961, the Ravenna Cosmography, a hugely important survey of late antique writing on geography which is preserved in three main manuscripts, all somewhat defective. Urb.lat.961 is a main source of the editions.
  54. Urb.lat.971
  55. Urb.lat.973
  56. Urb.lat.979
  57. Urb.lat.981, Cesare Nucci
  58. Urb.lat.986
  59. Urb.lat.987
  60. Urb.lat.990
  61. Urb.lat.995
  62. Urb.lat.1005
  63. Urb.lat.1022
  64. Urb.lat.1024, letters of Cardinal Alessandro Sforza
  65. Urb.lat.1031, in Spanish: 16th century, EnrĂ­quez del Castillo, Diego, 1433-1503 Cronica del rey Enrique IV
  66. Urb.lat.1032, antiquities of Crete
  67. Urb.lat.1179, Leonardo Arretino
  68. Urb.lat.1186,
  69. Urb.lat.1221, De re militari of Vegetius, 15th century, at fols 64-132v. Written (at Urbino?) by scribe Federigo Veterano.
  70. Vat.ebr.251
  71. Vat.ebr.479
This is Piggin's Unofficial List number 76. If you have corrections or additions, please use the comments box below. Follow me on Twitter (@JBPiggin) for news of more additions to DigiVatLib.

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