

A kind of 11th-century comic book, with cartoon-style drawings showing successive scenes in the history of the church, such as the Ascension and the first six Councils, is a highlight of the newest batch of digitizations by the Vatican Library. 
Page through these outline drawings, which are economically colored by simple ink washes. The depictions of the councils place the Roman emperor and his retinue at the top, groups of clerics at center, and images of fallen heretics below, like this:

This codex contains the canon-law Collection in Five Books and other materials. At fol 303r is a remarkable arbor juris in the form of a rota:
The latest round of digitizations brings the online total to 14,128 items. Here are some of the novelties.
  1. Barb.lat.2182
  2. Ott.lat.2531 , HT to ParvaVox who notices this is another #Carolingian codex: the Annales Necrologici of Fulda kept and updated from 779 to 1065.
  3. Reg.lat.28
  4. Reg.lat.39
  5. Reg.lat.40
  6. Reg.lat.57
  7. Reg.lat.58
  8. Reg.lat.60
  9. Reg.lat.62
  10. Reg.lat.65
  11. Reg.lat.97
  12. Reg.lat.115
  13. Reg.lat.119
  14. Reg.lat.121
  15. Reg.lat.208, an 11th-century book for school use, with the Fabulae of Avian, popular for elementary Latin lessons and for classes in grammar as part of liberal arts courses. eTK lists the section beginning: "Electuarium ad omnia vitia stomachi quo utebatur Karolus rex."
  16. Reg.lat.228
  17. Reg.lat.231
  18. Reg.lat.240 , HT to @ParvaVox who notes the content of this #Carolingian treasure: the treatise by Florus of Lyons in which he attacked vs John Scotus Eriugena. @chaprot (Pierre Chambert-Protat, the expert on Florus) notes: Reg.lat.240 is a special one though because although we don't know where it comes from, it contains a letter of transmittal: 240 is the one and only witness of this letter, but it has lost the rubrica. We don't know to whom Florus wrote it! Thanks to @DigitaVaticana, every relevant witness of this work is now digitized and fully accessible on the internet.
  19. Reg.lat.242
  20. Reg.lat.249
  21. Reg.lat.259
  22. Reg.lat.262
  23. Reg.lat.264, 14th century. eTK lists section beginning, "A febribus Beneventanis que aut citissime." Fols 169r-186r contain Augustine, De opere monachorum
  24. Reg.lat.265
  25. Reg.lat.270
  26. Reg.lat.275
  27. Reg.lat.298
  28. Reg.lat.305
  29. Reg.lat.313
  30. Reg.lat.322
  31. Reg.lat.340
  32. Reg.lat.345
  33. Reg.lat.347
  34. Reg.lat.350
  35. Reg.lat.351
  36. Reg.lat.355
  37. Reg.lat.356 . HT to @ParvaVox on Twitter who recognized this is as beautiful 9th-10th-century glossed copy of Walahfrid Strabo's Visio Wettini from St Gall. HT @JBPiggin pic.twitter.com/1h2yNP0fkj
  38. Reg.lat.361
  39. Reg.lat.365
  40. Reg.lat.367
  41. Reg.lat.370
  42. Reg.lat.383
  43. Reg.lat.389
  44. Reg.lat.391
  45. Reg.lat.392, binding of several 15th century copies of philosophical works, the main one of which is Duns Scotus writing on John Sharpe, Quaestiones quodlibetales, probably in Advent 1306 or Lent 1307. eTK lists a section beginning, "Aliqui dicunt quod natura materialis se ipsa individuatur."
  46. Reg.lat.397, eTK lists a section beginning, "Cum animadverterem quamplurimos medicorum non solum iuniores."
  47. Reg.lat.401
  48. Reg.lat.403
  49. Reg.lat.409
  50. Reg.lat.414.pt.1
  51. Reg.lat.414.pt.2
  52. Reg.lat.415
  53. Reg.lat.420
  54. Reg.lat.428
  55. Reg.lat.429
  56. Reg.lat.437
  57. Reg.lat.431, 15th century, a mixed codex with penitentials, an order of the mass, some Augustine and other materials. eTK lists a section beginning, "Post naturam corpoream et incorpoream." Also: De animali
  58. Reg.lat.440
  59. Reg.lat.441
  60. Reg.lat.444
  61. Reg.lat.447
  62. Reg.lat.449
  63. Reg.lat.450
  64. Reg.lat.451
  65. Reg.lat.452
  66. Reg.lat.459
  67. Reg.lat.487
  68. Reg.lat.575
  69. Reg.lat.583
  70. Reg.lat.584
  71. Reg.lat.591
  72. Reg.lat.602
  73. Reg.lat.623
  74. Reg.lat.651
  75. Reg.lat.677
  76. Reg.lat.683
  77. Reg.lat.690
  78. Reg.lat.710
  79. Reg.lat.728
  80. Reg.lat.733
  81. Reg.lat.793
  82. Urb.lat.1007
  83. Urb.lat.1296
  84. Urb.lat.1302
  85. Urb.lat.1482
  86. Urb.lat.1679
  87. Urb.lat.1738
  88. Urb.lat.1752
  89. Urb.lat.1756
  90. Vat.lat.1301
  91. Vat.lat.1312
  92. Vat.lat.1319
  93. Vat.lat.1339, a rich 11th-century collectio canonum (see above)
  94. Vat.lat.1434
  95. Vat.lat.1441
  96. Vat.lat.1450
  97. Vat.lat.1555
  98. Vat.lat.1582
  99. Vat.lat.1584
  100. Vat.lat.1585
  101. Vat.lat.1601
  102. Vat.lat.1602
  103. Vat.lat.1603
  104. Vat.lat.1606
  105. Vat.lat.1607
  106. Vat.lat.1614
  107. Vat.lat.1616
  108. Vat.lat.1620
  109. Vat.lat.1624
  110. Vat.lat.1625
  111. Vat.lat.1629
  112. Vat.lat.1630
  113. Vat.lat.1633
  114. Vat.lat.1634
  115. Vat.lat.1635
  116. Vat.lat.1636
  117. Vat.lat.1638
  118. Vat.lat.1646
  119. Vat.lat.1648
  120. Vat.lat.1649
  121. Vat.lat.1652
  122. Vat.lat.1655
  123. Vat.lat.1656
  124. Vat.lat.1657
  125. Vat.lat.1684
  126. Vat.lat.1699
  127. Vat.lat.1700: HT to @gundormr who notes: 1700 is a nice 12th century copy (of Cicero) with some glosses. It looks as if the 1700 series below is mostly Cicero.
  128. Vat.lat.1708
  129. Vat.lat.1710
  130. Vat.lat.1711
  131. Vat.lat.1713
  132. Vat.lat.1719
  133. Vat.lat.1731
  134. Vat.lat.1736
  135. Vat.lat.1752
  136. Vat.lat.1754
  137. Vat.lat.13102
This is Piggin's Unofficial List number 117. If you have corrections or additions, please use the comments box below. Follow me on Twitter (@JBPiggin) for news of more additions to DigiVatLib.

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