I have now reached the state where my fairly good computer and my high-speed internet connection can no longer reliably download and compare the Vat.lat. index page with its absurdly long list of 4,026 items, even when I block the images. Loading the index page takes up to a minute.
The solution ought not to be difficult. The series needs to be listed in 1000-manuscript chunks: 1-999, 1000-1999, 2000-2999 and so on. Until our technical friends at the Vatican realize that no one on the internet nowadays serves single pages with 4,026 images and reorganizes the indices in a more rational fashion, I am not going to be able to monitor for updates.
As a result, all that I have this week for you are 10 items from the other Vatican sub-collections:
- Reg.lat.101 contains keys to bible study, including Brito de vocabulis byblie secundum ordinem alphabeti
- Reg.lat.1424, an 8th or 9th century compilation of the classics starting with the famous forged exchange of letters between Seneca and St Paul, and including a poetic bit of the De Consolatione Philosophiae of Boethius Check out the tweet by @ParvaVox with more details.
- Reg.lat.1464, Cicero, De Officiis and other works
- Reg.lat.1643, Solinus, De mirabilibus mundi
- Reg.lat.1660, poetry, Italian
- Reg.lat.1662, begins with Caecus in limine, a whodunnit from Pseudo-Quintilian
- Reg.lat.1679, Vergil, Eclogae, with a flyleaf reused from an old uncial missal, here the words "et presta ut sacrificium"
- Reg.lat.1680, Plautus, Comedies
- Sbath.34, an Arabic manuscript from the collection of the famed Father Paul Sbath
- Urb.lat.1101, letters, first date 1631, in Italian
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